Integrating Mangroves into Policy Frameworks
With Global Mangrove Watch
With the currently occurring UNFCCC COP27 and Ramsar COP14, the Global Mangrove Alliance and Global Mangrove Watch teams have launched three policy briefs that detail how national policymakers can integrate mangrove ecosystems into climate and wetlands policy frameworks. These briefs lay out specific, actionable opportunities to apply the Global Mangrove Watch as a tool for target-setting, monitoring, and reporting on mangrove ecosystems.
The Global Mangrove Watchis an online platform that provides remote sensing data and tools for global monitoring of mangroves, in scientific collaboration with Wetlands International, Aberystwyth University, soloEO, TNC, JAXA, NASA and a host of partners.
Integrating Mangrove Ecosystems into NDCs with the Global Mangrove Watch, available here
This brief explores how the Global Mangrove Watch can support countries in the process of implementing, updating or revising their Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement and move towards ratcheting up national and collective ambition on the potential of blue carbon ecosystems for climate action.
Supporting the implementation of the Ramsar Convention through the Global Mangrove Watch, available here.
This brief details how the Global Mangrove Watch can be used to support Ramsar Contracting Parties, in particular those lacking their own national mangrove monitoring system, through data on their mangrove resources in support of national wetlands inventories, developing Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RISs), monitoring sites ecological character, mangrove management, and restoration, and reporting to Ramsar and other international agreements as part of National Reports.
Integrating Mangrove Ecosystems into NBSAP’s with the Global Mangrove Watch, available here
This policy brief explains how Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity can use the Global Mangrove Watch to integrate mangrove commitments into their NBSAP’s revisions and national reports, collectively catalyzing ambition and action on mangroves and other coastal ecosystems.
Please reach to Luz Gil ( and Susanna Tol ( with any questions.
Global Mangrove Watch screen capture