Global Mangrove Alliance at CBD COP16

From 21 October – 1 November, the Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 16) will be held in Cali, Colombia.  Governments will review the state of implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and present the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Framework. COP 16 will further develop the monitoring framework and advance resource mobilization for the Global Biodiversity Framework.

Mangroves provide habitat for 341 threatened species around the world, supporting terrestrial wildlife, sea creatures and other species in their pools and channels around the roots and indirectly support the health of other biodiversity hotspots. Global Mangrove Alliance partners are therefore participating in the conference advocating for ambitious targets for sustainably managing and increasing mangrove cover by 2030.

Policy brief: Integrating Mangrove Ecosystems into NBSAPs through the Global Mangrove Watch

The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is an online platform that provides remote sensing data and tools for global monitoring of mangroves. Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity can use the GMW in the integration of mangrove commitments into their NBSAP’s revisions and national reports, collectively catalyzing ambition and action on mangroves and other coastal ecosystems. This policy brief summarizes how the GMW can be used by governments to enhance their NBSAP’s.

During CBD COP16 we will also further mobilise the Mangrove Breakthrough, a global initiative to secure the future of over 15 million hectares of mangroves by 2030, and present our progress in 2024:

– Endorsement thus far by 30 governments (both sub-national and national) and more than 50 non-state actors

Launch of the NDC Task Force to transform government endorsements to the Mangrove Breakthrough into action via mangrove-positive NDCs and aligned NBSAPs.

– Establishment of the Mangrove Breakthrough Secretariat, with Ambition Loop as the host organisation, and its governance structure, beginning with the Council formation, a consortium of representatives from key stakeholder sectors.

– Launch of the Mangrove Breakthrough Finance Task Force to develop a deal-making process to incubate, develop and secure funding for 2-3 investable projects in 2024-2025 showing proof of concepts for the mechanisms recommended in the Mangrove Breakthrough Financial Roadmap

Events by the Global Mangrove Alliance:

Sunday, 27 October

Advancing the Marine Conservation Breakthroughs  – Connecting Global Action to Scale Nature-Based Solutions

Where: #ForCoral Pavilion, Blue Zone

Hosts: ICRI, Global Fund for Coral Reefs, Global Mangrove Alliance, UN-CMS, UN High-Level Climate Champions, Ocean & Climate Platform

When: 15:00-16:30

This session will highlight the urgent need to accelerate global efforts to protect marine ecosystems by convening leaders across finance, policy, and science. Together we will explore opportunities to scale on-the-ground action to catalyse transformative change in marine ecosystem conservation and restoration, building on the science-based goals and ambitious targets of the Marine Conservation Breakthrough. 

The event will feature two dynamic panel discussions, which will focus on innovative strategies and collaboration  opportunities to strengthen synergies and build capacity across the ecosystem-specific Breakthroughs. Our joint aim is to mobilise action and secure sustainable, long-term finance to ensure impactful marine ecosystem conservation. 

Sunday, 27 October

The Great Ocean-Climate Talk Show: Power the Ocean Breakthroughs

Where: Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion, Blue Zone

Hosts: WWF, Ocean & Climate Platform, UNESCO, GIZ, CMS, WRI, World Economic Forum

When: 13.30 – 14.30

This talk show will dive into ocean-based solutions as an exciting and transformative way to tackle climate change, protect our precious biodiversity, and boost our economy—all by focusing on our ocean. Research shows that fully embracing ocean-based solutions could slash the emissions gap by up to 35% on a 1.5°C pathway by 2050, while delivering many benefits for nature and people. These solutions not only align with the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework but also serve as a vital link between the Climate and Biodiversity Conventions. Join us as we explore how these ‘Ocean Breakthroughs’ could be the key to a sustainable future. Don’t miss it!

Monday, 28 October

Mangrove conservation and restoration maximizing synergies with climate change control, disaster risk and poverty reduction for coastal communities

Where: Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room; Plaza One

Hosts: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Secretariat of Convention on Biological Diversity (S-CBD), Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia (MOEF-I), Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOE-J), Wetlands International, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center Japan (OECC)

When: 15:00-16:20

This side event will 1) share mangrove ecosystem conservation and restoration activities by partner country, organizations, private sector and JICA, 2) identify good practices and challenges for ensuring synergies with the multiple ecosystem services, and 3) discuss how we manage mangrove conservation and restoration projects ensuring multiple ecosystem services and contribute to the achievement of relevant national and global goals and targets.

Tuesday, 29 October

Securing the Future of Mangroves: The Mangrove Breakthrough for Climate Action, Biodiversity Protection and Sustainable Finance

Where: Conservation International Pavilion, Blue Zone

Hosts: Ocean & Climate Platform in collaboration with the UN High-Level Climate Champions

When: 11.30 am – 1.00 pm

This event will explore how mangroves can be critical components of meeting national biodiversity and climate targets. We will discuss how to integrate mangrove-positive values into various policies and how the Mangrove Breakthrough Financial Roadmap can provide pathways for sustainable financing.

Please register for the event by October 23rd.

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to Madeleine Fry ( and/or Gillian Sawyer ( Thank you for your consideration.

Finally, the Mangrove Breakthrough also contributes the technical meeting organised by the Mangrove Alliance for Climate, an alliance with 23 member countries and spearheaded by the United Arab Emirates in partnership with Indonesia, with which the Mangrove Breakthrough has established a formal partnership. This event takes place on 23 October. More information on this event can be found on the CBD COP16 website.