Coastal Wetlands Twitter Conference
The Global Wetlands Project will be hosting the inaugural Coastal Wetlands Twitter Conference on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October 2021 and expressions of interest to present are currently open. The conference will be held entirely on Twitter and if you have internet access, you are able to present or participate.
The aim of the conference is to provide the opportunity for students, scientists, coastal wetland managers and policy-makers to come together and share their research and experiences of coastal wetlands on an international stage.
The conference will explore three themes: Blue Carbon, Future of Coastal Wetlands and New Technology. Mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarsh are important, high-value habitats that provide many benefits to humanity.
Expressions of interest to present at the conference are currently open. Presenting is easy, each presenter has 10 minutes and five tweets. The tweets can include images, gif’s, videos, and links.
To submit an EOI, visit the conference webpage on The Global Wetlands Project website. The conference program will be released in early October.
For more information about the conference, visit the conference webpage or visit The Global Wetlands Project Twitter account. The hashtag to follow is: #CWTC21