2024 Success Stories

Interested in what we have been up to? Check out the top highlights from 2024!

Nature itself is offering us a lifeline, a deeply rooted one at that.  

This year we have faced increasing levels of deforestation, development, and pollution, all while our climate warms, sea levels rise, and storms hit with increased frequency and severity. We are reminded time and time again that we are at a pivotal juncture in history, one that will determine our future trajectory. We are also reminded that there is hope. Nature itself is offering us a lifeline, a deeply rooted one at that.

Nature holds an incredible ability to aid in climate adaptation and mitigation. Globally, Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) can deliver 30% of the emission reductions needed by 2030. Mangroves continue to be recognized as a critical NCS due to their incredible carbon sequestration ability. As some of the world’s most productive ecosystems, billions of people depend on mangroves for food, protection, and their livelihoods. “They are not just a home, but a pulsing heart for the surrounding lands and seas” (Astrid Schomaker, Executive Secretary Convention on Biological Diversity).

The Global Mangrove Alliance is a global community committed to action: halting loss, restoring half, and doubling protection of these vital ecosystems. Our research, publications, and science-based reports, like the 2024 State of the World’s Mangroves, confirm their global importance to coastal communities and biodiversity. We are so thankful for all your support this past year. It has been a year full of new opportunities, partnerships, and recognition.

Interested in what we have been up to? The top 10 highlights from 2024 include: 

1. The State of the World’s Mangroves 2024 used the latest update from the Global Mangrove Watch to show the tremendous progress towards mangrove protection as well as how they contribute to carbon sequestration and protection of coastal areas from storm surge. 

2. We launched four new chapters! These national chapters are carrying out critical efforts on the ground in the Bahamas, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, and Senegal. The total number of national chapters now stands at thirteen, a substantial increase from four chapters in 2021. 

3. Global Mangrove Watch improved their ability to map mangroves, adding six new territories to their database and releasing a new extent layer at 10m resolution.

4. Representatives from National Chapters, GMA coordination and leadership teams, and Mangrove Breakthrough representatives met in-person for the first time this October for the Senegal Workshop. Together they developed critical elements of a cohesive National Country strategy template, discussed Chapter needs, and strengthened relationships across Chapters.  

5. The Mangrove Breakthrough has made tremendous progress in 2024! 35 national and subnational governments are now endorsing the Mangrove Breakthrough towards the protection of 15 million hectares of mangroves by 2030. From launching the NDC Task Force and establishing an Advisory Council to taking center stage at COP29 in Baku, the Breakthrough is driving action for mangrove conservation and restoration globally.

6. Ecuador project launch: The Mangroves for Climate project, presented by Conservation International Ecuador (CI-Ecuador) in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition (MAATE), and co/lead of the GMA Ecuador Chapter, was approved by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) this year. With funding of $36.4 million, this project aims to protect and restore mangroves along mainland Ecuador’s coast. 

7. The first ever International Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Conference took place in Abu Dhabi! Science-based best practices in mangrove restoration were prioritized, emphasizing the shift from mass planting to community-led ecological mangrove restoration (CBEMR). Want to know more? Check out this Effective Mangrove Restoration video series created in collaboration with WI, GMA, MAP and CI.

8. The first ever GMA Impact Stock Take gathered data from over 200 participants and over 50 GMA members. The data will guide our strategy development and help us showcase our members’ massive accomplishments.

9. The GMA worked incredibly hard at fundraising this year, leading to two funding opportunity for GMA members that completed the stock take. We look forward to reviewing all of the amazing projects that our members put forth next year!

10. Our members and partners are continually moving the needle on global mangrove protection and restoration. Interested in learning more about their work? Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media (X and LinkedIn). 

There is a lot of work to be done and, here at the GMA, we are energized daily by the incredible work of our members, chapters, and global team. From the UN Ocean Conference in June to the IUCN World Conservation Congress in October, we look forward to fueling more radical collaboration to protect the world’s mangroves in 2025 and beyond.